We're feeding our souls audibly today, but unlike yesterday's post showcasing THE best Verzuz music "battles", we're talking podcasts today. New podcasts are surfacing every single day it seems, and the pandemic certainly boosted not only the launches but also listeners. I mean, with most of our time (at least last year), stuck at home, all online platforms saw a surge in usage.
Podcasts aren't for everyone though, and we know some of y'all like the short and sweet versions of about 15 minutes or less; whereas others don't mind the hour + long episodes. If you're someone who never quite got into podcasts yet, we definitely recommend the shorter ones to start.
You might be asking yourself why even bother listening? What's the hype? And honestly, once you start, you'll quickly get it. Along the lanes of audiobooks, podcasts provide a deeper delve into a topic that an Instagram post just can't. Many podcasters have taken to producing their content in video format on YouTube as well, and we recommend that approach/platform if you feel that you need to engage more senses for your attention to be grabbed.
Although productivity experts have unveiled that multitasking actually isn't as productive as we might think it is, if multitasking is your flavor, then podcasts are right up your alley. Podcast novice or not, here are the 5 feel-good podcasts every Black woman should listen to.
Therapy for Black Girls - Dr. Joy Harden Bradford
Listen! We all need a bit of therapy in our lives. Mental health for Black women, in general, is much needed to overcome the associated taboo from yesteryear. And even if you feel you don't necessarily need therapy, tune in for the personal development goodies cause we all need to evolve.
Woman Evolve - Sarah Jakes Roberts
Speaking of evolve, it's all about growing and daring to dream in this podcast. Listen in for talks about confidence, accepting your truth, love, joy, courage and SO MUCH MORE.
MyTaughtYou - Myleik Teele
Myleik takes adulting to a whole other level with her pearls of wisdom. This is not only for the young adult who wants to get a grasp on life but for the ADULT adult who wants to get AHEAD in life. Myleik cuts through the bull, keeps it 100, answers your questions, and equips you to tackle life and goals with grit and boldness. Tip: Go ahead and listen to them all, yes the old ones too. There aren't any recent uploads, but go ahead, and thank us later.
Small Doses - Amanda Seales
Amanda spits the truth like very few can, and with a dose of humor at that. Current events, pop culture, life, and everything in between from the Balck girl lens that'll make you go "Ah-ha!" "Really?!!" I know that's right!!" "Oh my!" "Giiiirrrrlll!!"
Professional Troublemaker - Luvvie Ajayi Jones
THE one and only wordsmith that never fails to put the perfect words to our thoughts and feelings concerning all things pop culture; interviews fellow groundbreakers, disrupters, and trouble makers in this podcast. The goal? To make you recognize the little trouble maker within that courageously asserts her worth.
Comment below which podcast you'll listen to first if you haven't listened to them all already. Also, feel free to share any other noteworthy podcasts. We're all for sharing the love around here. ♥
'Til tomorrow,
Grace & Peace!