This Friday Ciara embarks on the second leg of her Jackie Tour, and will be in Las Vegas at Drai's Nightclub performing. The fist leg of the tour coincided with the release of her sixth and newest album under the same name.
In doing my little research on Ciara I learned that she has an alter-ego when she steps on stage that she's named Super-C. Here's how she describes this alternate persona
Another artist known for having an alter ego is of course Beyoncé, and Sasha Fierce, and it got me thinking, what's the deal with an alter ego? Philosophy for Life had this to say on the topic:
"What’s the point of these alter-egos? It often seems to give the artists permission to express an aspect of their personality which is somehow forbidden by their usual socially-constructed self. It is ecstatic – it enables them to step out of their usual self and put on someone else."
As a christian, I of course want to know what the bible has to say on the topic, and I learned that although the word ego isn't in the bible, the word self is. Self is part of the definition of ego, as states the definition as self-esteem or self-importance. When it comes to self the bible is pretty clear, deny it! (Luk 9:23, Eph 4:22, Rom 6:6). Your life should be all about Him, and He will be responsible for taking you to heights you never thought possible (Eph 3:20).
For some more reading on a christian perspective on alter ego's, you might find this read interesting:
So is that at all helpful as you try to pursue your dreams? After all, isn't the dream yours? This brings us to why you want to pursue the dream in the first place. For starters, I've mentioned before that your gift and passion is God given (James 1:17), so pursuing it, in my view is honouring God. Remember the story of talents in Matt 25? Burying your gift will not serve you well, so honour it by pursuing it.
With all that said, pursue your dreams and ambitions with confidence knowing that the God who gave it to you will also see you through on your journey.
Be blessed!