The name of the game in 2020 and even still is Pivot. The global pandemic forced the best of us to figure out how we were going to make it. Companies were forced to adapt and individuals were forced to do the same. It certainly gave meaning to "survival of the fittest" or perhaps survival of those that could best adapt.
All this adapting and pivoting also made it obvious that it's never too late to start over, start anew, or just start period. Did you know that according to Business Insider, the increase in applications for new businesses in the US hit a 13-year high? And according to Inc. Magazine, in the third quarter of 2020 more new businesses were launched in the U.S. than in any quarter in history. Between June and September, nearly 1.4 million startups were founded, a 49% increase over the second quarter, and a 67% increase over the previous third-quarter startup high set in 2018.
Is the devil you know really better?
So why do I mention all this? I say this to say that you can't be afraid to start over if and when needed. You're never too old and it's never too late. In the wake of the news of a popular relationship "guru's" extra-marital activities, I'm saddened about the "ride or die" culture that comes with a lot of mental agonies further perpetuating the honestly harmful ideal of what a "good" woman is. And the thing that came to mind was the phrase "better the devil you know".
Now excuse me if I go to church here for a second, but the devil is a whole, dutty, stinking LIE. There's NOTHING that's better with him. Literally nothing. Whether you "know" him or not. Cause the devil has one objective...well 3 actually. To steal, kill, and destroy you. And no that's not on "Mary had a little lamb", that's on B.I.B.L.E. John 10:10 to be exact.
So please don't be fooled. Starting over may be the harder option, but when the alternative is to die (literally or emotionally), I don't see what the "option" is honestly. The businesses that pivoted are the ones that made it out of 2020 alive. And that's "just" a business. How much more worthy isn't your life?!
Life is all about re-inventing yourself to become the best version of yourself. The reason this isn't a "one and done" type of deal is because, as the world and the times evolve, if you're not [evolving], you're being left behind. We all know what happened to Blockbuster. You can't be afraid of the unknown. As one of my fav Instagram entrepreneurs put it, sometimes your only mode of transportation is a leap of faith. The beauty of it though is that when you leap, only then, will the net appear.
But I get it, trust me. Leaping into the unknown isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe if your personality is one that's not afraid to leap out of a plane to go parachuting...but sis, that ain't my ministry or my lane. But there are "parachutes" out here that can make leaping and starting over, starting anew, or starting period, a little less scary.
Get yourself a tribe.
No man is an island. A support system, a tribe, a girlfriend; someone to lean on makes the world of a difference through any transition. And sometimes that support system is a virtual "room" of strangers. I've unfortunately heard one too many times that entrepreneurs find that their virtual supporters root for them more than the people in their life.
Now of course depending on what type of transition you're going through, the internet may not be the place to be. Taking the aforementioned "guru" as an example...some things are better left offline. But that doesn't mean that you need to go through your transition alone. Find a church, a support group, a shelter, anyone that will stand by your side for your betterment (as opposed to your detriment).
[Also Related: How to Know if You’ve Made the Right Decision]
Plan ahead Sis.
As much as you can, try and plan ahead. Whether that means saving up some money, doing some research, and figuring out exactly what your options are so that you can determine what the best course of action for you and your situation is. Eliminating as many unknown factors as possible will make taking that leap a little less scary.
Saving money where and when possible is ALWAYS a good idea. Transition or not, positioning yourself to deal with unforeseen expenses can only do you good. Sometimes the money aspect involves spending instead, or what is in actuality investing. Too often we look at the cost of acquiring a thing (physical or intellectual) rather than looking at what it will cost us to not make that investment. It could be more expensive in the long run to not spend the initial dollars.
In conclusion, you need to recognize what season you're in and pivot if you have to. If the writing's on the wall, don't pretend like you can't see. As an 80's child, I know about the good ol' days but they're also old for a reason, lol. Take the good with you and move on to your best, your future, your promises, and potential that can only be brought out under pressure. After all, pressure makes diamonds sis, so go on and shine bright like the diamond you are!
Stay blessed!