Today's message at church touched on us sharing our story as it pertains to evangelizing and sharing the gospel. My pastor said that many of us are afraid to share our story for various reason, one being that we think our story is insignificant.
For some reason, unless our story is brimmed with Lazarus type miracles, we think it's no biggie. However a miracle's a miracle, and you never know who can be touched and encouraged. What I've come to realize is that whatever our story is, there is someone who can relate. I shared before how I can relate to Issa Rae's story. I'm quite positive that she didn't have me in mind when she shared and created her story/show.
[Related: Issa Rae's Story & The Importance of YOUR Black Girl Story]
Another thing my pastor touched on was that we think God hasn't done anything for us, and so what is there to share of the Gospel? I want you to think about that for a moment....I'll wait.... Are you not still here? You may be just barely standing, so I'm not going to say you're still standing, but you're here. If you have no other testimony, you have this one "I'm still here." Yesterday's blog post touched on how no matter how bad life may seem, there's always something that you can thank God for. That my friend is also your testimony.
[Related: How Having Someone Believe in You Is A Game Changer]
The bible also says that we overcome the devil with the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Sharing our story is therefore more important than you think.
Lastly, there's the fear factor. We're afraid of what people will think, we're afraid to be judged, we're afraid to reveal our dark past, we're afraid, we're afraid. I know from personal experience, it's not always easy to talk about our past or our current circumstance. I used the excuse that I don't want to dwell on the past, so I'm just going to forget about it and not tell a soul. Now I'm not saying plaster it on billboards, and not everyone is called to write a "tell all" book. There are details that possibly don't need to be shared. But if you feel led by the spirit, even if it's to share on an individual basis, tell the truth and shame the devil.
Ultimately what I think is important is that we don't hide behind our story. It would be such a shame to have gone through all you have, and not help or encourage somebody else. It's not all about you. The good or the bad. When times are good, share of your blessings. When times are bad, let somebody know, "if I can face tomorrow, so can you."
Be blessed!