In the past two days, this world and our community has lost 2 music legends. As much as we mourn them and all that they contributed to the world of music, their legacy will forever live on. While alive they gave it all they had and changed lives forever. Andre Harrell died at the age of 59 and Little Richard died at the age of 87. I want to take this opportunity to stress the importance of you going after and pursuing whatever it is that is in you. That gift placed inside of you which the world is waiting for.
Photo: WireImage
We see a lot of social media posts that remind us that there were legends that only got their breakthrough later in life. We typically see these posts as an encouraging reminder that we don't need to have life all figured out by the age of 20. And I wholeheartedly agree that life is a continuous journey of figuring things out. And by no means does it make our life any less valuable if life, as we'd love it, only starts at 50. This article isn't for you who still isn't sure about what to do. It's not for you that's currently overwhelmed and the only thing you can tangibly focus on is surviving today.
[Also Related: Why Monica Brown Advices that You Be Fearless]
This article is for you who's been clear on your passion for a while. You know the area in which you are called. It doesn't mean you have it all figured out. It also doesn't mean that you ever will have it all figured out. However, you know that fear, overthinking, and downright procrastination is what's holding you back from even starting. The media posts of those making it later in life is a crutch that falsely gives you permission to continue procrastinating.
Little Richard - AAP
take the first step.
Both Harrell and Little Richard could NEVER have imagined the great success that they would have when they first started. All they had was a dream and a desire to pursue it. And that sis, is all you need to start. In an ever-evolving and changing world, it would be almost impossible to say with certainty where your journey will take you, but the thing is, you'll never know unless you start.
I love to plan things out. I mean I really do. I have way too many journals and agendas because there's something about planning things out that I simply enjoy. And I can spend hours dreaming away of how I'd like "this" to be, and "that" to look. But unless I apply any type of action, dreams are all that will ever be.
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase just to take the first step.
Harrell pictured above didn't see all his future success. He might have had an idea of what he hoped to achieve, but I doubt he truly knew. And that's what you gotta do. Start where you are. He had 2 phones and a desk!! And from that humble beginning came Uptown Records and the launch of numerous black entertainment careers. Like Pastor Mike Todd says, "All you have is all you need". You already have what you need to get started. Yes, you'll need more as you go along, but what you NEED to get started, you already have.
clarity comes through action.
You see, something almost magical happens when you start and take action. You are actually able to see more clearly where you're supposed to go, what you're supposed to do, and even how you're meant to do it. There's a clarity on method and strategy that can ONLY come through action. So you need to start!
Listen, I get it. It's intimidating, it's nerve-wracking. You don't want to fall flat on your face, you don't want to embarrass yourself and you definitely don't want to waste time and money. As for time, it's going to pass anyway. And as for money, no risk - no reward. Really and truly though, if you think about it, there's a risk associated with almost everything of worth, including having children. Black women die in labor at rates that in 2020 don't make any sense. But that's a rant for another day, lol.
My point is that you have to take the risk and start, to become great. But you don't have to be great to start. After all, God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Both Harrell and Little Richard died after giving life all they had. I'm sure they had more to give, but we've been left so musically enriched through their contributions, they can be proud of their body of work. Don't die still carrying your gift. The cemetery should NOT be the richest place on earth. The late preacher Dr. Miles Munroe used to say that we should die empty. Give it a shot. You just might make it, and make it big!
What do you think is holding you back from starting? And if you’ve started, what advise do you have for others to get the courage to take that leap of faith? Leave your comments below.
Grace & Peace,