For the past 3 years, I've been blogging on and off and had a number of different blogs. I would come up with a great blog idea, be super enthusiastic, and go ahead and secure the domain name. Back then I actually never bought my domain, i.e. owned it, but instead used, and platforms. (Side note: Squarespace is the
Having said that, whenever my passion or enthusiasm would die down, that blog would become dormant because the title was limited and constricted to a particular topic. What wound up happening is I had a fashion blog, a lifestyle blog, a DIY blog, and a home decor blog (bad, I know). So last year when I decided to take blogging more seriously and purchase my domain, I knew the blog name had to be something that could grow with me and any change of passion that may occur. The obvious choice became my name.
Related: [Branding is Not Being Put in a Box, it's Breaking the Mold]
When I say to name your blog after yourself, it doesn't necessarily have to be your government name. It can be your alias, nickname, a moniker you choose for yourself. Nine times out of ten your name isn't' going to change, so for branding purposes, you are still you regardless of what you blog about. Because your audience is buying into you, you won't necessarily lose your followers/your tribe.
Today you are YOU. That is TRUER than true. There is NO ONE alive who is youer than YOU!
~Dr. Seuss
Since starting this blog I've made a couple of adjustments, mainly noticeable in the category names, and that's to open up my options and the topics I talk about. My core message is still this the same though, pursue your dreams and be absolutely you, which is why the branding of my name still works.
Bloggers like Awesomely Luvvie, Curly Nikki, Mattieologie, and Shala's Rabbit Hole are great examples of black female bloggers who've used a form of their name and have greatly successful blogs. Mattie James, of Mattieologie, has said that as long as you're telling your story, you can blog about different things without losing the reader because they're hooked to your story.
So if you've ever been torn about the decision of what to name your blog, I'd say the choice is obvious.
Stay Blessed!