Posts tagged mental health
Here's a Self-Care Plan to Help You Start Your Resilience

It’s been quite the year so far and with the U.S. election happening today, stress and anxiety are running rampant. As an act of resistance and resilience, we’re making self-care a priority. And here’s how we plan to do so.

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What To Do To Make The Most Of Quarantine Life

Taking a look at recent events, and the craziness that is quarantine life, while sharing 5 things you can do to make this season just a bit more bearable and hopefully also more enjoyable.

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Disrupting The Status Quo In The Fight Of Racism And Colorism

Discussing actress Thandie Newton’s experience with colorism in Hollywood and the necessity to disrupt the status quo and embrace our differences in the fight against racism.

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How Black Women are Unstoppable & Able to Lead in a Global Pandemic

Essence Fest went virtual this year and proved that black women are unstoppable. This article summarizes the festival events and gives an insight as to why and how it is Black Women Rock, and if there are any consequences.

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5 Insightful Things Taking A Social Media Break During A Black Movement Did

Completed a social media break which I actually dreaded - cause FOMO. Specially during a black lives matter movement. Find out how time off Instagram provided more clarity & proved beneficial in more ways than one.

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Sis, Why Tracking Your Emotions with a Bullet Journal is Valuable

Whatever your feelings may be, they’re valid and worth tracking. If you’ve never tracked your feelings see how and why using a bullet journal and mood tracker can benefit you.

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