Did you know that the power of a decision is one strong power. I've heard it many times but never really understood it until the other day pertaining to this blog. I've had blogs before but this time I'm committed to building something, and part of that commitment for me involves blogging everyday until August 28th, 2016. It's not typical for bloggers to blog 7 days a week, and technically you don't "need" to in order to build up a following and a brand, but for whatever reason I chose to this route.
Trust me, I've sometimes tried to reason my way out of this decision but ultimately my conscious, or the perhaps the spirit of God won't let me go back on my word. When I buckle myself down and just get it done, I'm always happy that I did. It may not be fun all the time, and sometimes I'd rather just chill, but I'm committed. I've made up my mind, I've decided, and if nothing else, it's building discipline.
For years I've had "self-starter" on my resume, and although I always knew it's definition, I didn't understand it's true meaning. It may all sound well and good, but when you're in the midst of it, seeing it through is a different story. You may be a self-starter, but do you finish what you started?
I don't say all this so you can beat yourself up, I'm sharing this so that you too can make a life-altering decision. Because once you do, the things, the power, the results that you'll discover are nothing short of amazing, and you deserve that.
Be blessed!