Jasmine Tookes took to the runway this past Tuesday, on November 10 in the high profile Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Tookes is relatively new to the cast of models for the popular fashion show, joining in 2012. However she has been modelling since 2010.
So how exactly does a relatively new model prepare for a fashion show that's not simply showing off lingerie, but is according to Forbes a $50 million catwalk, with cameras everywhere, ready to capture the perfect shots for the televised show.
Entertainmentwise reports that Tookes told Elle.com that her motivation to workout for the show is pictures of herself from the previous year's show. Not pictures of other models, but pictures of herself. I'm sure you've heard the quote "The only person you should ever compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday."
In general, and in business, we are too caught up in comparing ourselves with others. What they're doing, and how they're doing it. It is generally sound business advice to know your competition, however if you're not rooted in who you are, whom you serve, 'Godfidence' if you lack confidence, then I'm going to suggest that you turn a complete blind eye to what your "competition" is doing. Your beginning can never compare to their chapter 10, and I don't want you to beat yourself up thinking that you need to start at the top.
Furthermore, others in the game aren't your competition. What you offer, coupled with your personality, skill, and background, aka your story, is unique to you. Reebok was founded in 1895, but that didn't discourage or dissuade Nike from starting their line some 69 years later in 1964. Nike has a different story, as do you. You may not be everybody's cup of tea, but you don't need to be in order to find success.
Know that your experiences, looks, and talent will serve you. What worked for, and served somebody else may not work in your favour, so ask God to reveal to you how your arsenal of experiences will best serve you.
Be blessed!