Morning y'all! My apologies first and foremost as this blog post is late. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all my readers and members of the Google+ community "Black Women Can.
I started the community as an extension of the blog a week ago, as a means for people to share stories of black women and excellence that they come across. Though this blog mainly highlights public figures in a certain industry, the group highlights our everyday black ladies winning in life in every industry. Many of their stories deserve to be highlighted and can most certainly also serve to inspire the rest of us.
For some it may be easier to relate to an 'everyday' black woman to motivate you to pursue your own dreams, and at the end of the day, that's my goal. I want black women, young and old alike to know that anything is possible. There's no dream to big for our God. With a little effort and determination, you're halfway there, and consistency will take you to the finish line.
I also want this post to serve notice to you to act on any "inspired action" as I call it, that comes to you. I started a Facebook group under the same name (Black Women Can) that has 3 members, and although I've heard it said that no one really hangs out on Google+, one Saturday I felt led to create the community there too, and it's grown to 73 members in 8 days! Quite the difference. So whether or not it "makes sense", act on those ideas that seemingly come out of nowhere, because you never know.
I pray this week brings you joy and inspiration to do even the littlest thing to bring your dreams to fruition. For starters, if you haven't written them down, I want you to do that. I don't care how crazy it sounds, it is your truth, and for now it's just between you and God. Writing things down is biblical, Habakuk 2:2 says to write the vision, and make it plain. The Greek meaning for 'plain' in this verse means distinct, clear, and to declare. So get all those details out. The more specific, the better. And if you haven't already, join the conversation over at Google+.
Be blessed!