*cough cough*, as I dust the cobwebs off this blog. Laaaaawd it's been forever and a day. And the reasons, or excuses rather, are plenty. Cause at the end of the day, a copout is all it is. Life happens to everyone, it happens to the best of us, and the rest of us. It's up to us, however, whether that will fuel us or freeze us.
choices, choices, choices.
It's so easy to beat ourselves up over the decisions we make and the ones we didn't make (although not making a decision is in and of itself, a decision, lol). How do you know if you're making the right one? Sure, it's easy to say if God's behind it, you're good. But how do you know God's behind it?
With clearcut decisions where the Bible explicitly says, eg. "don't kill", then perhaps the decision to not poison your antagonizing neighbor is pretty straightforward. But what if you're wondering if a particular job or career is God's will for you? What if you have to decide whether moving to another country is God's will for your life? Or if that man you've been eyeing is whom God has for you?
There are 2 things that I believe have helped and served me personally:
I ask the Lord to make my will His will. (1 John 5:14) Just ask. I don't want to wrestle with God (consequences are too high - think Jonah) so I simply ask that if something or someone is not good for me, that any desire for it will go away. It may not happen overnight, but things that once appeared so appealing and alluring, actually end up not phasing me anymore. In some instances, they're even gag-worthy and repelling to me. Which brings me to my next point...
A peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) There are decisions that on paper appear nuts, in a "you're out of your mind" kinda way. But my spirit is so at peace that I know it's the right decision. It doesn't have to be logical to anybody, including yourself. Cause that's what inevitably happens when you try to over-analyze certain things, it all just seems like a bad idea.
“A good decision does not equate a God decision, but a God decision is always a good one, even if looks crazy.”
Every day involves a multitude of choices and decisions, and though most of them don't have too severe consequences, I pray that you pray on those that potentially do. In return, I ask for prayers to help me continue to choose writing on this blog. I really do want to and just need to step out of my own way. Isn't that the worst? Tripping on your own foolishness, smh. You don't even get the satisfaction of blaming somebody else, lol. Can only hope it's a lesson learned.
Until next time ladies,
Grace & Peace!
(This post was sitting in my drafts and was actually written April 7, 2018, only stating this because I was clearly struggling with something to have written out a whole post, but never bothered to publish it, lol. Here’s to 2020 and reviving this blog!)