Lord help me. Why is it that consistency on this blog has been my Achilles heel? Whyyyyy?! Honestly, I know my goal, which is to positively encourage you all, but finding the structural component of how that should actually look seems to have escaped me.
I've often been told that inspired writing is for amateurs. Real writers treat it like a job and just get it done. Point, blank, period. But that requires a structure that takes the guesswork from knowing what to blog next out of the equation. Sounds simple enough, but boy...we're almost a year in on this site and I haven't nailed it yet. It'll come to me, bare with me.
I'm not afraid to share my shortcomings though, it may have something to do with the fact that I can't hide from the fact of "missing" blog posts. And by now, my 2-year-old could smell an excuse a mile away, lol. The reason I'm not going to beat myself up about though is because I keep coming back. I know I'm meant to be here, so no matter how hard I have to fight to stay here, I will.
Keeping it all the way real lately also is Alicia Keys. I'm sure you may have seen her "bare it all" images. I have to admit, at first I didn't even recognize her. Isn't that sad? That someone's commercial look made them almost unrecognizable when all the "fluff" was gone? I can only imagine the weight that's been lifted off her shoulders. In her article, she shared how she feared to leave the house without makeup and being photographed. Even worse was the fear of those pictures being published. But now, who cares! What freedom that must be.
I'd liken it to the feeling of going natural. I personally long-term transitioned into a "naturalista", however I've seen the freedom of others when they dare to leave the house in their "TWA" and not care one bit what anyone thinks because they think they're beautiful. That's the only opinion that matters, God's and yours. Embrace your flaws, just like the old YouTube tag "My Perfect Imperfections".
That's my challenge for you today, that one thing that you previously couldn't stand about yourself, I want you to embrace it and love it. I know first hand that this can be hard. There are so many different parts of me I used to not like, but it's funny how I now love them. From my eyes to my nose, to my height, to my baby face and slender figure. I wanted to look grown and attractive.
Beyond outer appearances, I know that self-acceptance has to start within. It's never really about what's on the outside, and if we can take the time to figure out what it is that's bugging us inside, we can start to heal from there and then be comfortable in our own skin. To sort of help you get going, I've compiled 17 different definitions of the popular phrase, Black Girl Magic. The reason for this is because I want you to know and realize that you possess that indescribable special something that sets you apart for the better.
Below are the first six definitions. The rest, along with some further encouraging words can be viewed/downloaded by clicking here.
Stay blessed!