Last Friday, on October 30, Lalah Hathaway released her latest album, "Lalah Hathaway LIVE". The highly anticipated album, which was funded through crowdsourcing via Pledge Music, was recorded live at Troubadour Theatre in Los Angeles. Her legendary dad, Donny Hathaway, also recorded his live album in the same theatre.
The album is sort of a 'best of' compilation, with live versions of some of her illustrious hits from her 25 year career. Included are also two covers, one of her father's songs, "Little Ghetto Boy", and Anita Baker's "Angel." Ms Baker personally approved of Hathaway's rendition.
In the video linked below, where Hathaway amongst other things discusses the new album, she touches on how she discovered she can simultaneously hit 4 notes at the same time . She elaborates that she constantly tries to see the weird things that her voice can do. And why wouldn't she? Putting yourself apart from the masses is a clearcut way stand out, which you want to do in an industry where everyone wants to be heard.
Speaking of setting yourself apart, have you ever taken the time to distinguish what makes you unique? Far too often I think we criticize our differences rather than embrace them, not realizing that it's our competitive advantage.
[Related: Finding Your Unique Advantage to Tell Your Story]
And if you haven't found what sets you apart, look for it. There's a quote by Oscar Wilde that says, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." So don't try to be like Lalah, or Whitney, or Beyoncé, cause your best imitation is still just that, an imitation. Use them as inspiration rather. Hathaway used Anita Baker's darker lower vocal range as inspiration to her own vocal range she tells Essence, as opposed to trying to be Anita Baker. And in so doing, she found the beauty, and unique ability in her own voice.
So let this serve you as a reminder to be uniquely you, embrace your perfect imperfections, and let God use you the way He intended.
Be blessed!