On October 30 musician Ne-Yo performed in my beloved Uganda, and on stage with him was backup dancer Saidah Nairobi. Saidah who actually didn't grow up dancing, but was into track instead, started dancing in her college years. Her career however took off rather quickly.
From watching an interview she did with Monica Warr, a fellow dancer and choreographer, that took place while she was on Usher's OMG Tour back in 2011, I learned a fair bit about not only her journey, but also her advice for aspiring dancers.
Becoming a dancer and dancing for celebrities may seem like a near impossible dream however there's some practical advice from Saidah that I want to share with you. I've previously showed examples of women utilizing social media to their advantage, specially on platforms like YouTube and Instagram that allow you to showcase your talent in video format. Facebook also allows video format, but isn't as popular as first two.
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I've also shown examples of women who auditioned to reality-TV shows and got their breakthrough that way. And although those methods have worked and may very well work for you, knowing every possible avenue to see your dream come true can only be helpful. So what exactly is Saidah's number one tip? Get an agent!
If you don't want to go the online, social media, and TV route, get an agent who will be able to set up auditions for you. Going to numerous auditions is how Saidah got her breakthrough, with one gig leading to another gig and so on.
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She also says that you can't give up or doubt your talents based on a rejection because in the dance industry you could be rejected on something as simple as your "look" or your height, and not your skills. Regarding your height Saidah recommends that you know the height of the artist whom you are audition for as ordinarily they don't want someone who's a lot taller, but comparable. She elaborates that you should also find out who their choreographers is and study their style.
Prior to hitting up auditions though, Saidah took dance classes and kept honing her craft. So definitely take the time to not only hone your craft but also study the industry and it's influencers. Studying doesn't have to be a tedious task, because when you're passionate about something, it should all be inspiration.
The reason I share stories like this is for you to realize that it's possible. There is literally nothing that distinct about Saidah that you can't do what she does. She didn't come out of the womb choreographing, she realized she had a passion for it in college and took it from there. Don't let time or regret stop you from pursuing what it is you want to do. I love the quote that Saidah shares at the end of the video, "I know how contagious inspiration is and how powerful being inspired can be." So my prayer is that this inspired you enough to believe in your own dreams.
Be blessed!