Posts tagged Breakthrough
Do You Believe In Fate? This Model's Story That Led To The Runway

Your moment of opportunity will come to you, what you came of it though is an entirely different story. The same opportunity can be granted 2 people, but their desire and hustle will determine what comes of that opportunity.

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Taraji P Henson's Breakthrough And Take On Longevity

"These kids are thinking they can do reality TV and come and do this craft that I studied, sweated and grinded." Taraji has no qualms being transparent, keeping it real and telling the truth. So much so that she had a photoshoot sans wig, revealing her cornrowed braid pattern for the world to see [Image below]. 

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Faith Based Projects Making Waves In Hollywood And Why You Should Be Part Of It

I've mentioned a couple of times that Hollywood is after faith based content, and upon seeing the trailer for Woodlawn, an upcoming movie premiering October 16, it confirms it even further. See for yourself...

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