Embarking on a journey to entrepreneurship or venturing out into a field that is unfamiliar to you is a journey in and of itself. Doing so without the blessed assurance of God, is downright foolish (personal opinion). As much as you study and prepare yourself for something new, it is imperative that you add Jesus in the mix. The bible says in John 5:30 that "By myself I can do nothing...for I seek not to please myself but Him who sent me."
You are sent by God. When He placed His gift in you it was for a reason, namely for His glory. You may also be familiar with the bible story in Matt 25 of the man who entrusted his servants with talents. What happened to the man who buried his? His talent was taken away and he was thrown outside.
Now you may not know, but the bible actually says "For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable" (Rom 11:29). So if you're gifted to sing, whether or not you do it for His glory, you can still sing. However, how successful and impactful will you be??
Your goal to pursue your dreams should be more than just participation. You should want to be able to make a successful living out of it. "Successful" is subjective, however whatever your definition, with God, you can top that. "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. (Ep 3:20)
With that, I wish you all a happy & blessed Sunday!