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Why Giving Your Best Is Always In Your Best Interest

Mary J Blige is currently on the road for her London Sessions Tour, and last Friday, she was in Jacksonville, FL at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena, an arena that holds about 12,000 people. According to Jacksonville.com, the crowd was sparse with about three to four thousand in attendance. 

Despite this Blige gave it her all and the review of the concert by Tom Szaroleta was: 

The faithful fans who were there saw a pretty impressive vocal performance. Blige’s songs don’t often give her a chance to show off her voice. But when they allow her to really cut loose, she can peel the paint off the walls. Songs like “My Life,” “The One,” “No More Drama” and “Not Gon’ Cry” really let her show off her pipes. Other than a short break an hour into the concert when she let her band show off, Blige spent the whole evening strutting and swaying and dancing to the music. She’s been doing this for better than 20 years, and she’s a pro on stage, working the crowd and getting her female fans (who made up most of the crowd on Friday) to sing along. She put on a powerhouse performance. Shame there weren’t more people there to see it.

Here's an artist who's been in the business for years, and could easily have been put off by the lack of attendance. She could have said to herself, let me save my energy and effort for the next city with a bigger turnout. She could've chosen to be lackluster and simply less engaging. But she didn't. The fans that bought a ticket, spent their hard earned money, and they came to see a show regardless of how many others where there. And that's what makes Mary J Blige stand out and earn the respect of her fans because she's there for them, just as much as they're there for her.

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There's 3 things I want you to take from this and apply to your own efforts.

  1. Always give your very best - No matter if you have an audience of one, one thousand, or ten thousand, always put your best foot forward. Putting your best foot forward is how you'll gain followers, or fans. I often hear it said in reality TV competitions that they can't "save" their best effort, their secret weapon for later, because later might never come. Whether you're blogging, singing, designing, or writing a book, you better bring your A-game from jump! Maintain and have a reputation of excellence. 
  2. Always stay humble - As quick (or slow) as you've gained notoriety, you can loose it in a flash. The term '15 minutes of fame' exists for a reason. People have a very short term memory, and there's someone right behind you waiting to take your spot. They're banking on you messing up, taking things for granted, or in one way or another offending/neglecting your audience, and swooping in to console and take over your fans. Longevity or not, nobody is obligated to support you. So show that you appreciate your followers by not taking them for granted and remaining humble.
  3. Be engaging - In person or on social media, show that you're not only human, but also humane. Any way that you can make yourself relatable is shows that you know your audience. Mary has been very open about what she's been through and I'd bet that the larger part of her fans have had their own bouts of grief and battled one demon or another. "No More Drama" isn't just a song, it's a declaration. Social media has made it so easy to be engaging, however some use it only as a one-way communication tool. Trust me, that's not the way to go. 
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Making it to the top and becoming successful is one thing, staying there is a complete other. It ought to be in your interest to leave a legacy and not simply be a "one hit wonder". The price you paid, the struggle you've been through just to get here, deserves longevity. Don't put your feet up after your first glimpse of success, keep going. 

Blige who's been in the industry for over 20 years isn't showing any signs of retiring. Instead she want to take her life's story to broadway according to Madame Noire. Yet another way for her to engage and show her fans, just how relatable she is. This is why Mary J Blige is who she is, a legend, the "Queen of hip-hop soul."

Be blessed!