Posts tagged Mary J. Blige
Branding Is Not Being Put In A Box, It's Breaking The Mold

Regardless of your passion and choice of career, you are branding yourself. Wether it's intentionally or or not is entirely up to you. Branding yourself is...

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Why Giving Your Best Is Always In Your Best Interest

Here's an artist who's been in the business for years, and could easily have been put off by the lack of attendance. She could have said to herself, let me save my energy and effort for the next city with a bigger turnout...

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Ava DuVernay On The Shortage Of Black Female Directors

Female directors in Hollywood are taking a stance and voicing their discontent with the status quo of their lack of representation. Female directors are not only under-represented on the big screen, but...

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Taraji P Henson's Breakthrough And Take On Longevity

"These kids are thinking they can do reality TV and come and do this craft that I studied, sweated and grinded." Taraji has no qualms being transparent, keeping it real and telling the truth. So much so that she had a photoshoot sans wig, revealing her cornrowed braid pattern for the world to see [Image below]. 

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