Kenesha Sneed, artist and illustrator, was recently featured in a Refinery 29 article about making and designing stoneware ceramics on a full-time basis. Taking up a profession in the Arts period is hard, doing it for a living full-time, even harder. That is why she shares her 11 best tips for turning your passion and current side hustle into a full-time gig. In brief, the 11 tips are:
Do the thing you want to be doing, all the time.
Determine if your craft is a fad vs. a forever obsession
Set up a working environment you'll thrive in
Surround yourself with supportive (and honest) people
Figure out the best way to prioritize your time
Identify areas for improvement
Be prepared to make mistakes
Stay connected with others pursuing the same path
Learn to appreciate the process - and accept not everyone will love what you create
Don't forget to have a life
Use your experience to inspire others like you who have similar interests
For more details read the full article here. What I want to elaborate on though is having the desire and guts to go full-time.
Once you're clear on that your passion isn't simply a fad or a pass-time, and you actually want to pursue it full-time, you need to start putting a plan in action to make that a reality. Yesterday I mentioned that you should leap and the net will appear. And that is certainly true because it's putting faith into action. However, that doesn't mean you can't be financially responsible.
There are many times that I (and I'm sure you too) have literarily had to depend on God to financially carry me through. That is however when a situation was out of my control. There have also been equally many times when I mismanaged my finances and subsequently didn't have money for things that I actually needed. Now I know "needs" can be subjective, and it is up to each individual to determine what that consists of. If you need to watch a movie every week, consider hitting up your nearest Redbox, and forfeit the movie theatre. You need to get your nails done every week? Push it to every 2 weeks. There are compromises that can be made without totally giving up life's little pleasures.
So why am I suggesting these compromises? Well, if you're becoming an entrepreneur full-time, you want to try and set yourself up for success as much as you can. There are perhaps a trillion variables outside of your control on your path to success. But the few that are, learn to manage them responsibly. I'm sure you've heard that a goal without a plan is just a wish, so start making that plan. I can't think of a better time than now as we're about to enter a new year. And no, it's not a New Year's resolution, or "new year - new me" hype, cause that my friends, is the definition of a fad, lol.
Deciding to make an intentional effort towards pursuing your passion is something you can do tomorrow, no need really to wait for January 1st. Take a hold of your life and do something you've never done. Cause that's the only way to get something you've never had.
Be blessed!