#LetGirlsLearn is the Obama Administrations initiative to educate adolescent girls around the world. So how exactly does this affect you, you ask? Find out here.
Read moreIf Want Or Dream Of Becoming A Full-Time Entrepreneur
Once you're clear on that your passion isn't simply a fad or a pass-time, and you actually want to pursue it full-time, you need to start putting a plan in action to make that a reality...
Read moreBranding Is Not Being Put In A Box, It's Breaking The Mold
Regardless of your passion and choice of career, you are branding yourself. Wether it's intentionally or or not is entirely up to you. Branding yourself is...
Read moreTrust The Process In The Journey Towards Your Success
To help you stay positive, let go of how you "think" it's supposed to be, how long you "think" it's supposed to take.
Read moreHow To Shift Your Mindset To Get Success
Part of that mindset shift, according to Forbes, is realizing that it's not all about you. Their article on the 5 Damaging Mindsets That Thwart Your Success says that these following steps will actually get you closer to fulfilling your dream:
Read moreIf You Want To Go Viral - Here's What You've Got To Do
As much work as you think it will take to get there, multiply that by 10. The beauty of it though is that however sweet you think the taste of success is, multiply that by 10 too.
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