One of the easiest ways to practice gratitude is to actually devote some time to reflect on what you're grateful for and writing it down. Writing it down allows you to reflect back even later on and look back and see the many things over time that you've been grateful for. The funny thing with this exercise is that you instantly become grateful again for everything in the past.
A version of a gratitude journal is also a testimony journal. Write down all the answered prayers that God has done for you, cause when you're going through it, you sometimes forget all the things He's done for you. And because of that, you start feeling even more upset thinking God ain't never done anything for you. Issa lie! And we know you know, but in those moments when you're going through it, it doesn't feel like a lie. Having that journal handy not only reminds you of what He's done but quickens your faith to believe that He'll answer your prayers once again.
But back to gratitude journals for a second. If you've ever tried it and felt that it didn't work because all you could think of to be grateful for would be covered in about 5 days. What on earth do you keep writing to be grateful for?? There's only one car, one house, health, family, and job, lol. Then what?? Well if that's you, I'm going to help you out a little by giving you 5 different journal prompts that serve as "themes" if you will. Therefore you can recycle these prompts every week.
1. I'm grateful for [a person] because...
One of the lies we sometimes tell ourselves is that there's "no one" in our corner. And even if you're going through life solo, you can be grateful for the cashier that smiled at you, the pastor who preached a good word, your neighbor for saying 'good morning', anyone! The more obvious ones are family and close friends, and please include them as well. But as I said, you can recycle these prompts, so try and focus on only ONE person for this prompt each time.
2. I'm grateful I no longer...
Whether you no longer smoke, curse, hit snooze 10 times, or obsessively drink caffeine. Whatever bad habit, addiction, or thing you did or had that is no longer, write it down. Heck, you can be grateful you're no longer in school if that was a struggle, or you're just happy to no longer have to do homework. That works too. The point of this prompt is to show you and be grateful that you've grown.
3. I'm grateful I have...
Instead of focusing on the many things you want and DON'T have. Let's focus on what you DO have. As the quote goes, count your blessing, not your problems. When we're lacking something or missing someone, that feeling of lack can magnify and overcloud the many things you do have. You may not have a car, but be grateful you're not in a wheelchair. You may wish that Covid wasn't such a hater and let you travel freely. But at least you're alive to complain about it.
4. I'm grateful I can...
There are many abilities that we take for granted. Having all our limbs in full functioning order isn't anything to take for granted. Not to mention, being in one's right mind. Cause Lord knows, if nothing else, Covid has tested our mental health to all sorts of capacity. Despite systemic racism and the slew of problems that come with that and unconscious bias, we can be grateful that we can find community and comfort with each other. Our level of freedom can certainly be questioned of late, but we have the freedom to worship our God. We can access social media freely. There are countries where bibles need to be smuggled in and read in secret. Countries where you can't access Twitter willy-nilly.
5. I'm grateful I will...
Lastly, let's be future-minded as well. This is almost more like an affirmation. You will travel to your dream destination, you will buy a house, you will have children. Whatever your heart's desire is to have or do, be grateful believing that it will come to pass. It doesn't need to grand wishes either. It can be as simple as I'm grateful I will be going on a date this weekend, lol. We know the single-life struggle can be real out there, lol.
We hope these 5 journal prompts are helpful to you. Whether you're someone who's practiced journaling for years or if it's something you're only now trying to get into. Comment below if you'll give them a try.
In closing, we at Absolut Daily Dose are immensely grateful for each and every one of our readers. ♥
Grace & Peace!