Someone's who's been busy lately is Queen Latifah. I've previously mentioned how she has successfully branded herself, and there's no slowing this lady down. Below are the 5 projects in which you can currently, or will shortly be able to see the Queen at work and what you can learn from this.
1. Executive producer of "The Perfect Match" starring Terrence J. and Cassie Ventura coming out March 11.
2. Executive producer of the docu-series From "The Bottom Up" about women who fell from the top of their hustle.
3. Executive producer of "The Rap Game" about young aspiring rappers. More about this show in this previous blog post.
4. Starring in the faith-based drama "Miracles From Heaven" alongside Jennifer Garner premiering March 18. (Side note: I'm telling y'all not sleep on faith-based productions. I've said it here, here, and here. Believers take note and share/write your story).
5. Featured in Naughty by Natures new song "God Is Us"
So why am I sharing all this? I want you to realize that you don't have to be confined or defined by any one thing. Whatever is in your heart to do, to produce, to create, go ahead and do that. The only person you have to answer to is God above when He asks you what you did with your gifts and talents. And the response you want is: "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matt 25:23 NIV)
Be blessed!