The first annual Steve Harvey SOAR retreat is currently underway in Miami, in its last day actually, and all the attendees that have shared their experience on Periscope, collectively agree that this conference has been life changing with all the insight and lessons learned.
Some of the speakers that graced the conference with their presence were Laila Ali, Ali Brown, Patrice Washington, Doreen Rainy, and Mr. Harvey's wife Marjorie Harvey. They all shared from their hearts with the objective to lift women higher.
Take Aways
Even from the snippets I was able to view via social media I learned a fair bit. From Mr. Harvey I took away the importance of dreaming (visioning), and beyond that, believing that dream by preparing for its fruition. You can do this a number of ways: clean out the garage if you're believing for a car, purchase a new outfit if you're believing for a new job, clear out space in your closet if you're believing God for a spouse.
Although I've heard this before, it was the dream emphasis that I'd put less emphasis on over the years, specially dreaming BIG. He said, why do you keep asking God to help you make rent? Start asking God for a mortgage! You're asking God and dreaming about a new pair of shoes, pray and believe for something "hard". You can save up and buy that pair of shoes on your own.
Put Your Money Where You Purpose Is
The second big takeaway I got was from Patrice Washington, a national best selling author and the personal finance voice on the Steve Harvey Morning Radio Show. She talked on purpose and being financially responsible towards that purpose. As a person who's gone through a financial drought or two, I realized that even if it's $50, I need to spend money wisely. Tiphani Montgomery, whom I rave about all the time on here, has a declaration that she says (and me too now of course, lol) that goes: "I decree and declare that I make positive choices about what to do with my money."
The story that Patrice shared was that her brother asked to borrow some money from her, and she had it, but she also knew God had called her to write a book. So she could either help her brother out, or be obedient to God and make sure that book gets published. I have dreams and things that I'm believing God for, and He has made the provision. I just need to make sure that the provision gets used for its intended purpose. Otherwise I'm squandering what he's given me. And this lesson is not limited to money alone. There are times we've been blessed with other tangible gifts, and not used them appropriately.
You Are Enough - So Is What You Have
Last lesson (I know this post is on the longer side). You have in your possession, right now, exactly what it is you need to take you to the next level. God isn't so cruel that He'd expect you to get to the next level, but yet not give you what you need. See the problem is we think we know what we need to get there. Yet if we're faithful in the little and with the little, that's how the next level blessing will come which in turn will take us to the next level, and so on and so forth. Stop focusing on what you don't have, and focus on what you do have. The Lord asked Moses "What is in your hand?" See you think you need a trailblazer, a $100,000, moving to a new country, and although there might be merit to that, what do you have NOW that can get you in that direction? All Moses had was a staff, and I'm sure you've got a little more than. But if you don't, use that staff.
There's a lady on Instagram, Dana Chanel, who uses her phone to minister and speak life to her followers. From that she has a ministry called "Sprinkle of Jesus". The ministry may have come first actually, and I'm sure the vision for the ministry is huge, and I've seen her grow her following. But she started with what was in her hand...a cellphone.
What do you have in your hand that you can utilize as you believe God for the next big thing? Comment below.
Be blessed!